HowTo: Design Your Own Typeface Creature

Design Your Own Typeface Creature

Julián Dorado is an illustrator and graphic designer, hailing from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has been lauded for his character design project, which merges typefaces into font-inspired monsters, animals, and characters. Luckily, Julián has been kind enough to post a great tutorial on creating your own typeface character/creature on his behance page.

HowTo: Design Your Own Typeface Creature

You will need: Adobe Illustrator (+ a little creativity). Need some inspiration? Check out Julián's typeface flickr page.  Some of Julian's work below, click through for the tutorial.

HowTo: Design Your Own Typeface Creature

HowTo: Design Your Own Typeface Creature

HowTo: Design Your Own Typeface Creature

HowTo: Design Your Own Typeface Creature

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